Queer Palm

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S é l e c t i o n o f f i c i e l l e Q u e e r P a l m

Official Selection
queer palm

Each year, a jury chooses to reward, among Cannes festival’s official selection and its parallel sections, a short movie or a feature film dealing with LGBT+feminist characters and topics or challenging gender norms.

Full-length films

Official Selection

Anatomie d’une chute

anatomie d une chute

Le Retour

le retour

The Idol

the idol


monster kore eda hirokazu

Cannes premiere

Le Temps d’aimer

le temps d aimer


kubi takeshi kitano

A certain look

How to have sex

how to have

Simple comme Sylvain

simple comme sylvain



Critics' Week



Filmmakers' fortnight



Un Prince

un prince

Xiao Bai Chuan (A Song Sung Blue)

a song sung blue

Short films

Official Selection


Strange Way of Life

a strange way of life

La Cinef

Daroone Poust (Inside the skin)

Critics' Week



Filmmakers' fortnight

J’ai vu le visage du diable



President of the jury

The cult American director of HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH and SHORTBUS did accept to head the 13th jury of the Queer Palm, the queer award in Cannes Film Festival since 2010.

Member of the Jury

It must be acknowledged that within the general miracle that is the film, a particular miracle occurs with this unknown actress, Louise Chevillotte, a face-landscape, magnetic body, adolescent-adult, mysterious and yet fully present, without trickery or secrecy.

Member of the Jury

Disheveled romanticism, raw sensuality, Le Paradis is a modern ode to marginal and lifesaving loves

Member of the Jury

One of the most exciting and multitalented filmmakers on the indie scene with a bold approach to cinematic style.

Member of the Jury

President of the International Cinephile Society for eighteen years, and during that time he has been regularly attending and writing about festivals around the world.

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