Member of the Jury


Behind Queen Paloma, the sublime winner of Drag Race France who illuminated the first season of the show imported from the United States with her unforgettable impersonations and cosmic performances, lies Hugo Bardin. A former student of the Cours Florent, this native of Clermont Ferrand is an actor, director and producer as well as a costume designer, dresser and wigmaker. At just 32, he has already directed a feature film, Neiges d’Automne, a contemporary adaptation of Chekhov's Three Sisters, and a short film named after his alter-ego the Queen. Since the start of the 2023 autumn season, Hugo Bardin has been touring France in a solo performance, under the guise of his Paloma au PluriElles, in a show packed with delightfully sharp, down-to-earth humour. Neiges d’automne, adaptation contemporaine des Trois sœurs de Tchekhov et un court qui porte le nom de son alter-ego de reine. Depuis la rentrée 2023, c’est seul en scène qu’Hugo Bardin, sous les traits de sa Paloma au PluriElles, sillonne la France dans un spectacle à l’humour délicieusement potache et pointu.

Photo by Jean Ranobrac.


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